Fusion Bible Camp:
June 11-15, 2024


Check back later for 2025 camp details!


Fus-ion /'fyooZHen:

The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity

Once a year in June, we come together for the most amazing week of the year for kids (ages 9 - 11) and teens (ages 12 - 18). Nearly 20 churches join together and form a kids camp and youth camp that make for one powerful single entity!

Fusion Bible Camp is made up of churches throughout the upper Midwest. Churches that attend our camp come from a variety of backgrounds but all have the same heart for seeing teens and kids strengthened in their faith and grow into people that will impact their world for Christ.

Fusion Bible Camp has its roots in a vision started over three decades ago and was carried forward by the strong commitment of several ministries. Leadership for this camp has been provided by the International Ministerial Association (IMA) North Central District. This has expanded to other churches and ministries as we all share the goal of providing the most spiritually challenging and life changing week of the year for the students.